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This page is to honor and remember beloved neighbors who have passed. We miss them and keep them in our hearts.


Carol Cleland 

†June 24, 2023


Carol Cleland, our beloved neighbor, died after bravely taking on a terminal disease for several years. She lived with her husband Alan on Portola Ave. in Southgate for more than 20 years. 


Carol, a nurse, ordained minister and therapist, was a wonderfully warm person who could win you over with her infectious laugh and her radiant smile. Despite her crippling disease, she never complained about the hardship it brought. Instead, she remained interested in people around her, ready to help wherever she could. 


A Note from Frayda Glass

Carol is my best friend 

We called each other sisters because we shared growing old together. We were reading "Walking Each Other Home" by Ram Dass Mirabi Bush. It is a book written by two elderly Buddhists. In it they share memories, thoughts, and feelings about aging and dying. Was I reading it - for her? Or was she listening to me reading it to her - for me? That's the kind of friendship we had. Carol is my best friend





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