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Southgate Neighbors was founded to help residents of the Southgate neighborhood in Palo Alto getting to know each other. Our events provide a chance to socialize, learn and have fun. If you live in Southgate, please join us!

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Sophie Tsang 

Sophie lives in Southgate since 2019. She is a successful real estate agent and a proud parent of 2 Eagle Scouts. Sophie is a Palo Alto Rotarian, a Paul Harris Fellow, and a Golden Gate Keeper (Golden Gate National Park Conservancy).



Jeannet Kiessling 

Jeannet lives in Southgate since 2017 with her husband Thomas and children Frederick, Ned and Romy. She leads a non-profit helping orphans in Ukraine, is VP of the European Committee at Neighbors Abroad, and a board member of the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra.

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Frayda Glass 

Frayda founded Southgate Neighbors in 2017 and served as its first Chair. She retired in 2022 and handed over to Sophie and Jeannet 

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